Friday, October 30, 2009


Well folks. Its been a while since I last posted. Apparently all of us have been too busy to update this blog. If you want to know the truth, frankly I've been reading a lot of this other blog and to be honest, it has really made me feel like shit about my own personal blogging skills so I haven't felt up to it. But here I am, back to post anyway. Sometimes you just can't let the man get you down.

As I sit in my office on this Halloween Eve, 2009, I can't help but ponder the road that got me to where I am today. Four years at a private university in Texas and I'm sitting here in a cubicle, doing work that I swear to you I could have done after passing my 3rd grade computer class with Mrs. Mack. My day to day responsibilities are so mundane and mindless that I am honestly forced to question my life path every 30 minutes. To help pass the time and keep my mind off such deep and depressing thoughts, I typically read blogs and gchat with you people to pass the time. Anyway. There is no real purpose to this post. I just felt the need to write something and express my recent thoughts. You can stop reading. I don't blame you.

So, let's talk about Halloween. It's tomorrow. In true fashion, my friends and I will probably dress in something slutty and go out and get hammered. The ush. I wonder when Halloween became the one day a year when girls could dress as slutty as they want without fear of being judged by anyone? Probably sometime in the 80s. I don't think this is what they had in mind when this holiday was created... I'm pretty sure it was intended for kids to walk around and get candy from strangers... which, if you think about it, is also pretty weird. Didn't they teach us NOT to take candy from strangers? We definitely had several classes when Mr. McGruff the Crime Dog puppet would come to class and sit with us all and tell us specifically NOT to do that (probably between the lesson on stop-drop and roll and how to not take rides from strangers unless they knew the special "password".. what a smart dog). But apparently Halloween is one holiday where all rules are thrown out the window. In light of the Halloween festivities, my office is holding a company-wide contest for each department. The theme of my department this year is the Wizard of Oz. I of course, did not dress up. Maybe if I'd known that SWEATPANTS were a viable option (Ian...) things would be different. I could probably write an entire blog post about my love for sweatpants. I legitimately feel like my life would be way happier if it was socially acceptable to wear sweatpants as everyday clothes. But I digress. I can't tell you how hard to concentrate it is when your boss is dressed like the following picture and there is candy at every cubicle corner. WHY would I be doing work right now?

If I had more friends at my office, I would probably be walking around snacking on various people's candy and judging each departments decorations. But because I'm pretty much an antisocial hermit at work, I am opting to sit alone at my desk and blog. I AM SUCH A LOSER. At least I'm eating candy while I do it.

So. The people at my office are getting pretty into this whole Halloween thing. Hell, even muffin top decided to dress up. You'd think AT LEAST her halloween costume would somehow mask the horrendous muffintop.. but alas... she opted for black pants 2 sizes too small and a lycra black slightly see through top. The fashion choices some people make.

Anywho. I'm off to drink at lunch with my sole work friend. I'm the best employee ever. Have a great halloween everyone! Be safe.

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