Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Things that irk Me

This post will be part of a series of posts entitled "Things that irk me". Not only because I love the word "irk" but because there are several things to talk about when it comes to the subject. Here goes:

There are many things that bother me. In fact, I'm probably one of the most easily annoyed people you will ever encounter - - seriously. However, if you really want to piss me off (and make me think you are a retard) just send me an email with a bunch of misspelled words. Or even better - update your facebook status with misspelled words. It kills me. Obviously, I'm talking about common, everyday words that we know how to spell. Not crazy disease names or like words that you'd have to look up. People, we are NOT in the second grade anymore. There's absolutely NO excuse for us to spell super common words like "definitely" wrong. definately? no. Or how about the ever popular then vs. than argument. What the F? You think you're cooler then me? haha ok then... whatever you say. Your IQ is clearly lower than mine.. but at least you're cool!! Please note that I used "your" and "you're" appropriately just then. See that apostrophe? That means "you are". Sorry. I'm not trying to sound elitist or stuck up, but if there's one thing I'm good at - it's spelling. I wish I would have been in spelling bees when I was younger because I would have won and I could have something to brag about.

There are few exceptions to this general rule of thumb I have. One of those, is if it's obvious that you are typing from an iPhone, Blackberry, or any of those other high tech phones. I get it - the buttons are tiny and a lot of times you are in a hurry to get it done, or you're in a car, etc. This exception, however, does not include people using certain "abbrevs" like u or ur, gr8, 2, kno. I mean does leaving off one letter really save you time? What about when people spell "what" as "wat" or, worse, "wut". I mean seriously... does it take you that much longer to type the additional 2 letters? Most phones even do that for you now. Also - typing a letter such as "2" on most phones actually takes LONGER to type than the two letters t-o. So why do you do it? I will never understand. UGH. The other exception is when it's obvious that you are making fun of people that use those abbrevs; like I've been known to do from time to time. Other than those, it just makes you look dumb, let's be honest.

A few months ago, I was "talking to" this old coworker of mine, who now works for another company. Our main source of communication, as a result, was via email. For the sake of anonymity, I'm just going to call him Einstein (because it's ironic, you'll see why in a few seconds). Ok Einstein was really cute, kind of funny, athletic, you get the idea... So we hung out once on my bday, and then continued emailing for a few weeks. This is part of an actual email he sent me:

Einstein: i had 2 come in at 7:30 tho. i have to work tomarrow but hopefully will get off monday.. we should definately hang out this wknd.

Guess what? We did not hang out. Are you kidding me? There are so many things wrong with this email I don't even know where to begin. First of all.. this is an email, not a text. Why are you shortening the word "to" to 2? I mean and then there's "tomorrow". One of the most frequently used words like EVER. Seriously? An A? Ohh man. And I didn't even include the other parts of the email where completely random words like "But" would be capitalized. I'm sorry. I just don't think that I can take you seriously if you write emails like this. Where did you go to school? DID you? It kills me. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, so we emailed back and forth a few times but he perpetually spelled everything wrong. Including tomorrow, i kid you not.

Lesson Learned: I hope that after reading this you don't think I am some kind of psycho, judgmental bitch. Normally I keep these thoughts to myself, and if I know you and you have proven yourself to be intelligent, I won't judge you for a slight slip up here and there. But if I barely know you, all I have to judge you by is your facebook page.. So how about making sure your status updates are spelled correctly? Spell check exists for a reason.

1 comment:

  1. YoU dId'T eVeN mEnTiOn HoW aNnOyInG iT iS wHeN pEoPlE pOsT tHeIr StAtUsEs LiKe ThIs.
