Because my friends and I have all sorts of adventures and we are all generally cool, awesome, and hot (kidding...? but seriously). I have many examples of #2 type hatas attempting to bring us down. Good thing we just #1 type hate on them right back. Anyway, one of the best stories that comes to mind is the Halloween that we all wore cute sexy costumes and congregated at our favorite bar. We knew almost everyone there, a couple of us worked there, the owner was chatting us up, we were cheerful over our raspberry martinis and swarming the jukebox. Bliss. However, a hata disguised as Frida Khlao decided it was time to rain on our parade. The whole time she sits sipping on her Mai Tai she mutters under her breath about "stupid girls in their cute-sy costumes." She leaves her chair for a while, leaves no belongings there, and one of our adorable and fun-loving entourage perches in her place. Ms. Unibrow comes back and is totally APPALLED to find that this "little girl" has taken "her" seat at "her" bar. How dare she?! Needless to say, things escalate quickly and Frida asks the friends who have spoken up to defend the cutie if they want to "take this outside." After much yelling the situation is diffused, but not forgotten. Lesson of Hata Type #2: Yes, people who are jealous of you and threatened by you will hate. Yes, it is fun and justified to fight back. However, do not take their hatin' to heart because it is evidence that they wish they were more like you, and for the love of God don't let a large woman with a unibrow beat you senseless outside of the bar. Stay put, order shots, and make fun of her for years to come.
To wrap up, hatas hate because of a couple reasons. Some hatin' is for fun, some is used for a defense mechanism. In Pocahontas' case of Missy punching her, hatin' was even used as a spiteful aggression tactic.
Lesson Learned: When hatin', realize which style you are using. When being hated on, recognize this as well. Generally know to stay away from violence, as causing a bar fight can turn you from the victim of style #2 to the perpetrator of style #1. However, teetering on the verge of violence can be as exhilerating as it is entertaining.
Frida is further evidence of my "fighting" personality. I believe it was me who asked her if she wanted to "take this outside" with my arms held out like, WHAT?!!? Thank God a certain sorority sister saved me from that incident.